Part 53: The World of Chaos
Now that we've done a violence on Mastema, there's not really all that much left to do. We'll just zoom on down to the bottom of Horologium and see Mem Aleph.
Chaos Theme

I gotta go get my final orders, too.

The angels tried to stop us, but looking back... they didn't put up much of a fight, huh?

...There's still one that didn't show, though...

C'mon, let's go. To Mem Aleph...
> You passed through the door with Jimenez.

What you hold in your hands are undoubtedly the four Cosmic Eggs.

You have fulfilled your duty.

I'm glad you're happy, Mother Mem Aleph.

We're always with you...

The human souls who gnawed away at the Earth shall be eradicated...

And humans shall regain their true, vibrant selves.

On that day, we demons will also reclai our strong and beautiful forms.

When humans are beautiful... So will demons be.

Demons alone... humans alone... Neither can exist on Earth by themselves.

We've always been taught that demons are the enemy, but in fact, they're an inseparable part of us.

So, Mother Mem Aleph... Can you tell us what we need to do next?

We're done collecting the Cosmic Eggs...

Yes. I shall give you your final order.

When it is complete, the wish we demons have held so long shall be granted.
> Mem Aleph took a deep breath...

Their overwhelming power will remove the cursed ones and change the face of the Earth.

It will become a place worthy of the beautiful ancient gods.

The gate...? Ahhh, the Vanishing Point, right. I get you.

Take this orb.

You have three already. With this final key...

The gate shall open, revealing the way to Earth.

The final Exotic Matter, huh...?

I, too, have one final thing that I must accomplish.

I must entrust this orb to you.

I... shall disappear. But only for a short while.

When the Earth has been restored... I will be there.
> The four Cosmic Eggs began to shine...

For us to be able to reshape the Earth the way it should be...

We have to send our reborn Mother to the Earth.

C'mon, Lance! To the Vanishing Point!

Let's create a world of free souls!
We'll head to the Vanishing Point in a while, but first... we have to go back to Grus. There's something we still have to do there.
The Land Where The Seed's Memories Lie Buried
In particular, we need to head on over to where Grendel was in the Phase Shifter B Sanctum. He's still here, just... stuck as an Unknown.
> The creature that was once a demon is moaning an indescribable moan...
Chaos Theme
> You can hear a voice from somewhere...

I have been waiting for you to return to this place.

You seem to have reduced my cohorts to jelly with that song, but...

You've earned the right to see me.

Come, then.

I shall be waiting for you there.

That is, if you wish to sign with me and gain tremendous power...
No reason to not just immediately zip on over to Maya's old room.

In answering to the call of my chaotic brethren, I have come!

So you've come, praiseworthy human who hopes to bring about a world of chaos...

Hrm... Humans can't be taken lightly. You have potential.

Alright. There's a favor I'd like you to do for me.

Our goal is the restoration of the ancient world.

And you know, surely, there are some who are trying to prevent it.

That's right... the angels.

They haven't made any drastic moves up to now, but this time it's different.

They're planning something outrageous...

And I want you to put a stop to it.

I'd go myself, but the angels are moving sooner than I thought.

I tried manifesting in this world a little quicker, but I'm still not quite stable.
Update's borderline mandatory in-game reference to Nocturne? Check.

You'd rather have me in my perfect form, wouldn't you?

Of course.

Yes! Exactly!

Then will you accept the job?


Good answer.

If you can stop whatever those angels are up to...

But it's your choice.

That place you call sector Horologium...

Go there now. I'll be along once my form stabilizes.

I'll make a note of where the angels are on that thing.
Fortunately, we know where that is and can get there very easily. It's the exact spot where Seraph was made before after all. Let's just take a casual walk on over.
A Land Bringing About Life

Let us begin the ritual.
Things do play out very, VERY, slightly different this time though. We get a chance to intervene and stop Seraph from existing.

Though, uh, that does nothing in practice. Damn it.

After that everything plays out the same until Seraph itself exists.


I have seen thy deeds through the eyes of many an angel...

I had hoped that thy spirit would be holy, but in the end, thou art an example of thy cursed species.

Receive the judgment of my flames and return to dust!
Herald Seraph
Vehement Rage
So, Seraph... can be a pain in the ass, or he can be a complete joke.

Y'know, cause he has Big Bang. Which is More Powerful Megidolaon. And this is with him debuffed! Not fully, but still.
He's not dumb enough to use Holy Wrath though, sadly. Probably a good thing all things considered!

Instead he just Debilitates. Because Big Bang isn't strong enough as it is, I guess!

So, yeah, he's a Seraph. Weak to Ice, resists Phys and Gun, drains Fire. He has 2200HP so this fight is probably going to be quick regardless of the outcome!
A Land Bringing About Life

Well, don't that beat all.

Still, I'm surprised they brought out a Seraph.

Sorry I made you do all the hard work, but...

Guess I was worried for nothing. Hahaha... It all worked out.

Now then... here's your reward. It's pretty nifty, if I do say so myself.

Now then, as you can see, I'm back in my perfect form.

You and me, raising hell... get me?


Good to hear it! And thus was formed the greatest force ever for chaos and violence!

I'm counting on you to hold up your end.

Now let us go... to the world overflowing with energy!
A free Mara is pretty nice, I dunno.

Mainly because we can make him actually good this time around. No fusion level limit after all.
...Really still weirds me out that he has a Phys skillset but his best stat is Magic. Mara please.

Peacemaker IS the best gun. Moan Bullet, highest Attack of all guns, Grateful One is 175 Power ST Gun damage which makes it the best thing for that. Not much point to it now but hey.
Biggest downside is that its Chaos only so in practical terms Meteor Dragoon is better. Second biggest downside is that I forget to equip it. I am a genius.
Anyway, Eridanus! Vanishing Point! Let's go!
I do remember to equip the Dragon Ring, though, yes.

This Vanishing Point will become a gate to Hell.

But there'll be no torments or prisons for us there... this gate'll set our souls free.

We'll establish a beautiful world where might makes right!

You will not open that gate! There will be no world of demons created today!

...You... So the wannabe angel shows her face...!

Why will you not accept the perfect guidance of our Lord?

It was difficult to reconcile my desire to save everyone with His wishes, it is true...
Law Theme

The evil soul is rotten down to the foundation. No hymn can absolve it...

You don't even realize how utterly under God's thumb you are.

If that's bliss to you, I can't help you there.

But we're not so weak that you can take us out with borrowed power, I guarantee.

One of us is gonna be eradicated from this world, but which one? Wanna test it, Zelenin?

Use that opportunity to take her down!
Pillar Zelenin
Take The Shield, Raise The Spear
So, Zelenin.... is no Mem Aleph that's for sure. Hell, she's barely comparable to Jimenez. And that's a matchup I think she'd lose.
Quick reference, she has 10,000HP, resists Gun and reflects Elec. Except not really. She's ALSO a barrier change boss, but it's less important or relevant than with Mem Aleph; those resistances are just her default stats (she starts with no weakness but adds one later oops). It's explictly tied to one of her skills in this case, so that's nice at least.

Megido Storm is arguably her best attack and, uh, it's Electric elemental. Probably a bit of a goof on her part, yes.

Requiem is marginally more interesting since it's an instant death skill. It's very inaccurate though, since it's Almighty elemental. That just means you can't Tetraja it. Whatever.
It also causes her weaknesses and resistances to change. Nothing quite like her using this and then a follow-up Riot Gun smashing for over 5000 damage. Yes, really:

That's okay but we can (and will!) do better. 

And Sinner's Song is... her last unique attack.
It's multi-target Almighty damage with a chance to Charm. Much like with Mastema's Great Lament I've never seen the Charm actually work so, uh, good job there I guess. 

Her last actual attack is Wave of Death. You probably don't remember, but we have seen this before; Ouroboros used it in her second fight.

So, all-in-all Zelenin's really not difficult. The Chaos route is, by far, the easiest one yeah.

Pretty embarrassing way to go out, Zelenin.

You all got together and sang hymns to God... probably felt like you were part of something bigger.

Hah! What a load of it!

You weren't any bigger!

You just lost yourself...!
> Jimenez walked closer...

Right, Lance?

We came here to solve the mystery of the Schwarzwelt...

But what we cound was an even stronger bond between demons and humans.

Can you see it yet? Maybe not, with that Demonica still on.

But I can see it. Just past that giant gate...

Release it! Set it free! The power of the Schwarzwelt...!

Bestow this power, this life, of the Schwarzwelt... the Earth that cries out in pain.

And I...
The World of Chaos
The World of Chaos
And with that, we're just about done yet again.

It's really immediately obvious that this cutscene is completely identical to before...

Except everything that had a blue aura now has a red one instead.

It makes this bit look kind of cooler at least? I think so anyway. Sort of has more weight.

This "everything" does include the expanding Schwarzwelt of course.
Scepter of Justice
And then credits etc. screenshots from each sector, part of the CGI scene...
Then the actual ending part of the ending.
> Its power covered the Earth in an instant...
> After this great cataclysm...
> The power of creation will rebuild a new world.
> A world full of life, ruled over by demons...
Chaos Theme

Once the Earth is purified by the demons, it'll regain its power.

Yep, those who are supposed to die will die... that's the way of the beautiful world of old.

As they revert to their divine selves, our world will regain its former power.

Under demon rule, the days of training one's body and mind will start.

Now c'mon, Lance! To our home, pulsing with life...!
> They descended upon the Earth as gods of power, freedom, and hope.
> There are no fallen humans left there to bring ruin...
I'm kind of disappointed that Jimenez's cool third design wasn't visible anywhere in there. Pillar Zelenin was explicitly mentioned AND visible in the Law ending after all.

Ah well, that's two worlds created...
See you next mission!